Month: January 2015

  • How Blogging Can Improve Your Acupuncture Website’s Google Rank

    How Blogging Improves Your Acupuncture Website's Google Rank

    Lately I’ve been reading more and more articles emphasizing the importance of blogging for improving the Google rank and website traffic of localĀ businesses. The beauty of blogging is that it doesn’t cost a thing – except your time. If you’re short on cash but want to improve your Google rank, blogging is a great choice. […]


  • Acupuncture Student Interview: Danielle, Third-Year Student

    Welcome to our second acupuncture student interview! Today we’re talking with Danielle, third-year acupuncture student at Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (FLSAOM). She graduates in eight months, so we had the chance to talk about her exciting upcoming plans for her acupuncture practice, as well asĀ her trip to China with her classmates, […]


  • The Three Types of Acupuncture Practice Names: Pros and Cons

    What should you name your acupuncture practice? Check out the three main categories of acupuncture business names and the pros and cons to each to help you get started!

    Pin this article for later. Welcome back to another post about naming your acupuncture practice! Last post, we talked about theĀ Seven Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Your Acupuncture Practice Name. Although we’ll go over thoseĀ mistakes briefly today, you’ll definitely want to check that post out as well. It’s an important “prequel” to today’s post. Since […]


  • Science of Persuasion Video Interpreted for Acupuncture

    Have you ever wondered if there’s a better way to get your acupuncture patients to take your advice? To come in for more treatments? Not to forget their appointment time? One of my coworkers shared this fascinating and supremely usefulĀ video with me a few weeks ago, called the Six Universal Principles of Persuasion by Steve […]


  • How to Start a Blog in Three Easy Steps

    This post is simply to announce that we’ve just launchedĀ a brand new page on Modern Acupuncture: How to Start a Blog in Three Easy Steps! (With photos.) – Ā Have you always wanted to start a blog, but had no idea where to start?


  • Top Five Acupuncture Marketing Posts of 2014!

    Happy New Year! Are you excited forĀ 2015? I certainly am. I’m currently putting together a list of my goals for the new year. Not that you asked, but top of the list is to eat less sugar. I love the sugars… sigh. I’ll let you know how it goes. Anyway, as we enter 2015, let’s […]