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Hi, I'm Michelle!

Helping fellow acupuncturists master their marketing and grow businesses they love.

Let’s build your dream practice – one that serves you and your community, and allows you to connect to your higher purpose.

Free marketing checklist for acupuncturists to download

join 5,000 other acupuncturists!

37 Authentic Marketing Ideas for Acupuncturists – From digital to in-person marketing, there’s something for everyone. Refresh your marketing ASAP and find new patients!

    Ready to build a thriving, meaningful acupuncture practice?

    You’re an amazing acupuncturist with a passion for serving your community. And we both know that acupuncture is powerful medicine that changes lives. It’s time to get your business visible so you can do more of what you love!

    comprehensive marketing education for beginners:

    Acupuncture Marketing School
    Self-Paced Online Course
    15 NCCAOM PDAs

    What if you walked into your clinic on a Monday morning to a full schedule of patients and knew exactly what to do to keep that patient momentum going? Learn the “rules” of marketing and easy strategies to get a consistent flow of new patients.


    Feedback from Happy Students

    “By the way, this class is awesome. I will make sure to let people know as soon as I’m done with it. Very well organized and to the point, crisp, and clear. I’ve been disappointed with similar products in the past. Yours is the real deal.”

    – JOANNE, Licensed Acupuncturist in NY

    Meet your
    marketing coach:

    Hello, I'm Michelle!

    After initially struggling with marketing my acupuncture practice 14 years ago, I met a marketing mentor who taught me the “rules” of marketing and helped me understand what it means to create an effective marketing strategy. My practice and my marketing were transformed.

    Acupuncturist, marketing strategist, and host of the Acupuncture Marketing School Podcast, Michelle Grasek, wearing a green blazer and purple glasses holding a sign that says Hello.

    Today I’m that marketing mentor for you. I absolutely love marketing and I’ve taught over 4,500 acupuncturists. Let me help you create a marketing plan to grow a thriving acupuncture practice. Ready to serve more patients in your community and have a greater impact? Let’s go!

    Featured in:
    Lhasa OMS Logo
    Unified Practice Logo
    Qiological Podcast Logo
    Debt-Free Acupuncturist Logo