Month: January 2017

  • The Co-op Business Model – Guide for Acupuncturists

    Thinking of creating an acupuncture business partnership with a colleague? Consider the Cooperative Business Model. Interview with the co-founder of a Co-op Acupuncture Practice -

    (Pin this article for later.) Welcome back everyone! Last month we talked about the potential difficulties that can arise in joining an acupuncture business partnership. In other words, a few things to consider before you dive into a partnership agreement with a friend. Today, I thought we’d talk about a very viable, rarely discussed business […]


  • The Top 5 Acupuncture Marketing Posts of 2016

    The Top 5 Acupuncture Marketing Articles of 2016 -

    The Top 5 Acupuncture Marketing Posts of 2016 Happy New Year, friends! It’s been a busy year and a wild ride for Modern Acupuncture Marketing in 2016! This time of year I absolutely love reflecting on the progress from the year before. What about you? I feel like you probably do the same. I love […]