Month: April 2017

  • Treatment Frequency for a Successful Acupuncture Practice – Part 1

    Treatment Frequency for a Successful Acupuncture Practice

    I asked 10 successful acupuncturists – do you think treatment frequency has played a role in the success of your practice? The answer was a resounding yes! I also asked, how often do you treat your patients? Get the answers from the first five acupuncturists in this article, then check out the sequel for the other answers from the others!


  • Art of Acupuncture: Interview with Bob Wong

    Interview with the man behind Art of Acupuncture: Bob Wong, Acupuncturist and Photographer

    Welcome back everyone! Today I’m excited to share an interview with Bob Wong, the acupuncturist and photographer behind Art of Acupuncture. You guys know that I love discovering acupuncturists with unique passion projects that help showcase acupuncture. (Like this acupuncture children’s book, for example!) I especially enjoy projects that help the general public learn to […]