Month: September 2017

  • Using Video to Promote Acupuncture with Isang Smith of AcuTalks

    How one acupuncturist is using video to help thousands of people understand acupuncture... and boosting her own clinic in the process! Interview with the Founder of AcuTalks, Isang Smith.

    Why you need to use video to market your acupuncture practice. In today’s interview with Isang Smith, founder of the revolutionary AcuTalks YouTube channel, we discuss how videos have helped her market her practice, how we can all get started with video today, what we can do to make our beginner videos look professional, and much more.


  • 8 Non-Acupuncture Marketing Books Every Acupuncturist Should Read

    8 Marketing Books Every Acupuncturist Should Read... That Have Nothing to do with Acupuncture! My favorite books to kindle great ideas, get motivated, and make great things happen!

    A roundup of my favorite marketing books that aren’t written specifically for acupuncturists. These books inspire my marketing efforts and push me out of my comfort zone. I think there’s tons to be learned from marketing and business planning books of all kinds, not just those that apply directly to our profession. Enjoy! 😘