Month: June 2022

  • 🎙️ Episode #42: New Ways of Thinking About Marketing

    Device mockup of iPhone with Acupuncture Marketing School Podcast on the screen with text, Need a refresh? New Ways to Think About Marketing Your Acupuncture Practice.

    Stuck in a marketing rut, or just feel resistant to marketing? Changing the lens through which you view marketing can have a HUGE impact on your enthusiasm and commitment to this necessary part of running your practice. Listen in for 6 new ways to think about marketing for a fresh burst of motivation >>


  • 🎙️Episode #41: Six Networking Tips for Fellow Introverts

    Some of my best networking tips for introverts, or really anybody who doesn’t love networking. As an introvert, networking meetings are probably my least favorite kind of marketing. BUT – I make myself go because I really think they’re effective. If you feel the same, I think this episode will be really helpful! Click to listen >>