iPhone device mockup with the Acupuncture Marketing School podcast open and the text, Free PDA Credits and Podcast Updates!

Listen in for a short and sweet update on why the podcast has been quiet lately, AND get yourself some free PDA credits!

🎙️Mini Episode #45: Free PDAs, Podcast Updates, Free Live Webinar

Show Notes:

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Hi there, welcome back. Today’s episode is going to be very short, possibly the shortest episode ever, and just a temporary episode. You may have noticed I’ve taken a little hiatus from the Acupuncture Marketing School podcast in the past month.

I mentioned in the last episode that I’m working on shifting this podcast from being an entirely solo podcast, just me sharing my marketing ideas, to inviting guests on regularly. Interviewing other acupuncturists and marketing experts. So I am really, really excited about that.

I will still be doing solo episodes of course because you know I love doing marketing experiments in my own acupuncture practice and sharing those with you. So don’t worry, those are not going away.

As I go through the process of interviewing the first few people and getting set up for that, the podcast will be quiet over here for a little bit longer. So thank you for your patience with that.

And because I want to share interesting things with you related to marketing and practice building, especially when they’re free, I wanted to pop on here really quickly and let you know about a free PDA class that is happening this week. It’s actually three free NCCAOM PDA credits. Getting 3 free PDAs is pretty rare. Say that three times fast.

So I wanted to make sure I shared it with you.

This free PDA class is from Dr. Jeremy Steiner, who teaches Electro Acupuncture Medicine. That’s the name of his YouTube channel if you want to look him up. So, in other words, how do we use electricity like E-stim or a TENS unit in combination with acupuncture in really specific ways to treat a wide range of conditions.

I love using estim on my patients and I’ve learned a lot of info just from following Dr. Jeremy’s very detailed YouTube videos.

I wanted to share this with you because I love free PDAs, I hope you do as well and I hope you’ll enjoy his class.

It is available to watch this week. Today is August 18. So it’s up for a couple more days, maybe a week, and then he’s taking it down. I’m not sure if it’s going to become a paid class after that.

So grab it while it’s free. After you watch the entire class, it’s broken into three videos, then you can take the quiz to get your PDA credits.

I’ll put a link in the show notes so you can sign up for the class and get your credits. I hope you enjoy it.

I also wanted to share a free live webinar that I’ll be giving on September 10th, all about using your email newsletter more effectively, about using email marketing better in general.

We’re going to talk about how to create really short, really effective email newsletters that get your patients to take action and actually help fill up your schedule.

That class will be part of the Successful Practice Summit that is happening that weekend. It’s free as well, of course, to tune in live.

And there are quite a few other acupuncturists and marketing experts who will be talking about different topics, everything from getting more MD referrals to how to avoid burnout. So I really hope you’ll join me for that.

Again, it’s free and I’ll put the link in the show notes for you to register.

And of course if you have any questions you are always welcome to send me an email.

Last thought before I sign off today. If you have people out there in our industry or in the marketing industry, who inspire you, or you’ve always wanted to know how they have built the businesses that they’ve built, feel free to email me with their name and I will add them to my list of potential people to interview on the acupuncture Marketing School podcast.

I’m very interested in knowing who is it that inspires you and who’s exhibiting leadership in our field right now. My email is michelle@michellegrasek.com

Looking forward to bringing you new energy and perspectives on the podcast in the fall by having some fascinating guests

All right, the links for both classes are in the show notes.

Hope you enjoy your free PDAs. Thanks for your patience while the podcast is quiet for bit longer. I can’t wait to talk to you soon.