Submit your scholarship application this week!
I’m offering two full scholarships for my online course, Acupuncture Marketing School! One scholarship will go to a practicing acupuncturist, and the other to an acupuncture student.
The scholarship winners will receive: ($846 value)
- Free enrollment in Acupuncture Marketing School, my foundations marketing course for acupuncturists ($697 value). This course includes 15 NCCAOM PDA credits!
- COVID Bonus: Free 60-Minute 1:1 Marketing Strategy Session with me ($149 value).
I released the first version of this course four years ago and the feedback since then has been phenomenal.
In my six years of teaching marketing, I’ve taught over 2,000 acupuncturists.
The more acupuncturists I teach and work with as marketing coaching clients, the more I understand what we need as a profession.
This course focuses on creating a marketing strategy that works for YOU as an acupuncturist, with your unique strengths, clinic needs, and ideal patients.
My goal has always been to support and provide useful resources to acupuncturists around the world.
To do that, I’m giving away two seats my foundations marketing course, Acupuncture Marketing School, plus a bonus 60-Minute Marketing Strategy Session with me.
Acupuncture Marketing School is concise and actionable, with compact videos and workbooks, and specific marketing instructions to bring in new patients!
If you’re ready to totally refresh the way you find new patients, the time to jump on board is right now!
How can you apply for the scholarship?
It’s easy and FREE to apply.
To apply, record a short video (two minutes or less) explaining why you need this marketing scholarship. Share you story with me and help me get to know you. Tell me why you need this marketing education and how it will impact you, your clinic, patients and community.
Email me the video at scholarship@michellegrasek.com.
In the text of your email, be sure to include:
- Your first and last name
- The city, state and country where you practice
- How many years you’ve been in practice (or, if you’re a student, what year you are in acupuncture school)
*Please note that due to the high volume of applications we receive, we cannot accept videos longer than two minutes.
When is the deadline for scholarship applications?
The scholarship application deadline is Thursday, October 15th, 2020 at midnight Pacific Standard Time.
When will the scholarship be announced?
The scholarship will be announced on Sunday, October 18th, 2020. Get on my email list to make sure you hear the announcement!
And even if you don’t win, sign up for my email list and next Monday, October 19th, I’ll email you a 42% discount code for the course!
Plus info on how to unlock an exciting bonus! ✨✨
Sign up here to receive discounts, bonuses, and more.
Tell me more about Acupuncture Marketing School!
This course is jam-packed with videos and step-by-step worksheets.
It’s built to help you learn to market your practice in a way that feels genuine and generous; never sleazy.
👉🏻 That’s really the foundation of the way I teach marketing.
My philosophy is simple: Marketing is simply letting the people who need you know that you exist.
Once people know about acupuncture and your clinic, you have the incredible opportunity to positively impact their lives with acupuncture!
But if they never hear about your business because you hate marketing or are afraid to come across as pushy or salesy, then you can’t help them.
That’s why the first chapters teach you to think about marketing in a whole new light:
>> That marketing is a tool and it can be helpful, instead of making you feel uncomfortable.
Everything else in the course (branding, email marketing, and social media chapters, for example) builds from there.
Here’s a quick overview of the course. It has both step-by-step video and worksheets to follow along:
- Marketing Basics (“The Rules”)
- Target Market and Reaching Your Ideal Audience
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing (Including Sample Email Funnels)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO, i.e., How to Boost Your Google Rank)
- Marketing Calendars & Checklists
- Google Reviews
- And more!
Click here to learn more and see the detailed course outline.
What if I have questions about the scholarship or the course?
Feel free to email me at scholarship@michellegrasek.com
Submit your scholarship application before midnight PST on Thursday, October 15th, 2020.
Email your video to me at michelle@michellegrasek.com
Good luck! 💖 I can’t wait to hear from you!