Welcome back! In this solo episode, I share my top five tips to make switching EHRs smooth and easy. I also share (finally!) why I decided to switch to Jane.

I switched to Jane a year ago and I’ve been meaning to share this episode for ages. At first I wanted to spend some time in Jane, maybe four months, to get used to it, before creating this episode.

Times flies and suddenly it’s been a year! So this episode is long overdue from me. By now I’m very comfortable in Jane and I have lots of thoughts for you.

Show Notes:

🎙️ Listen to Episode #79: Tips for Switching a New EHR and Why I Switched to Jane

💙 Naturally, this episode is sponsored by Jane!

The team at Jane understands that clocking out from the clinic doesn’t always mean you’re clocking out for the day. Instead, it’s often the start of charting long into the evening.

With time-saving charting features, like custom smart narratives, chart duplication, and dictation (dictation, you guys!), Jane helps you finish charting your patient or client notes during work hours, not after hours. 

And, to save you even more time, you have access to Jane’s Chart Template Library that’s fully stocked with pre-made templates that have been generously shared by practitioners in the community. You can even customize them further with charting tools, like side-by-side photos, checkboxes, and range scales.

To see how Jane can help you free up your evenings from admin tasks, head to meet.jane.app/more-time to book a personalized demo. But, if you’re ready to get started, you can use the code ACUSCHOOL1MO at the time of sign-up for a 1-month grace period applied to your new account.

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Coming soon.