Join me and acupuncturist Katie Altneu as we chat about creating online courses as acupuncturists. We talk about being introverts and how that's impacted our courses, and much more.

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Creating Online Courses as Acupuncturists – A Video Chat with Kate Altneu of Acuprosper

Hi everyone! Welcome back.

This post is a little different from my usual, but if you’ve ever wondered about creating your own online courses, I think you’re really going to enjoy it.

The topic of creating online courses and “passive” income is incredibly popular lately. Just try popping either of those terms (“online courses,” or “passive income”) into Pinterest and watch your feed explode with posts!

The reasons are obvious – everyone wants to know how to make money online. And I think SO many more people (especially acupuncturists) could be selling online courses and using the internet to their advantage.

So in the spirit of sharing and helping give others confidence, I’m excited to share this chat between my friend Katie and myself.

Katie Altneu is an acupuncturist in Denver and the founder of Acuprosper, a marketing and practice management for acupuncturists. She’s created more online courses than any acupuncturist I know. Katie and I have been internet friends for years and last year I finally had the pleasure of meeting her in person during a trip to Denver. BONUS – she’s a delightful person both online and in real life!

And, exciting news – we’re chatting via video, which y’all know is rare for this website. You guys know I usually do written Q&A interviews, but Katie suggested that we chat on video so people have a chance to see our faces. Win!

Katie has been teaching Practice Management at _ acupuncture school for five years. She launched the online versions of what she teaches about three years ago because she realized that very few acupuncturists get enough marketing education in school.

I couldn’t agree more. This is also one of many reasons that I started this website – to create more marketing resources specifically tailored to acupuncturists, since we don’t learn enough about it in acupuncture school before we’re released into the real world of business ownership.

Plus Katie and I have very similar styles of teaching marketing – it’s all about finding a genuine message that gets the attention of your potential patients without feeling pushy or salesy.

In this interview, Katie and I cover so many topics, but one that I think it particularly important for acupuncturists is creating online content as introverts. I know quite a few introvert acupuncturists (I’m one as well!) and I’m here to tell you that should not stand in your way of “being seen” online, recording video, or selling a course or eBook. Definitely listen in to learn how selling courses online has actually helped my confidence and (surprisingly!) allowed me to let go of what other people think of me!

And before you go, I definitely encourage you to check out Katie’s comprehensive collection of marketing courses for acupuncturists. Some are totally free!

My favorites that I usually recommend to my students:

Okay, without further ado –

This video interview about creating courses online was originally Katie’s idea, so I want to make sure I give her credit for ownership of the video, and for editing the video. It was originally published here on her blog and she’s given me permission to share it. I hope you enjoy it and I encourage you to take the plunge and create your own online course! You have so much to share with the world. 💖

Creating Online Courses as Acupuncturists:

Thank you guys for watching!

You can follow Katie (and Acuprosper) via her blog, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Feel free to email me with questions! >>