Our commitment to equity, justice and change here at michellegrasek.com

Hello acupuncture friend,

It’s a pleasure to meet you here in this space, as always. Today we need to talk about an important topic, and I have an apology to offer.

I’ve been slow to write this because, like so many other white people, I’m afraid to say the wrong thing. But I’ve realized that it’s far more important to show support for the BIPOC community than to worry about doing it wrong. Taking a stand for basic human rights is simply the right thing to do.

I want to apologize because my business, michellegrasek.com, has not been nearly inclusive enough. I have not represented the voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Color in the way I teach marketing or in the interviews I provide. I have not sought out information or provided resources on how the experience of running and marketing a small business is different for members of the BIPOC community. This is not acceptable. I’m creating a plan to do better. I’m continuing to educate myself and take steps to make this a lasting change in my business.

I have so much to learn and unlearn about institutional racism and white privilege (and more). And while deep internal work is essential for showing up well, it’s also about taking action, so that this important time in history has lasting impact and is not just a social media trend.

My goal is to focus on amplifying the voices of BIPOC acupuncturists for the rest of 2020. I would like to interview two BIPOC acupuncturists a month, about their experiences growing, building, and marketing their businesses (and anything else they want to talk about!). After 2020, my goal is for half of my interviews to be of BIPOC acupuncturists. This website has been my own voice for too long, and I’m looking forward to learning the wisdom that others have to share 💜

For those of us (white people like myself) asking “What to DO” to make a difference in the fight for equity right now, one important step we can take immediately is practicing anti-racism in our daily lives. It’s time to stop normalizing racist attitudes. Let people know when they make racist statements that you will not stand for it. It’s time to have hard conversations with other white people. It must happen if we’re going to play our part in dismantling the institutional racism that exists in the United States and elsewhere.

In addition, there are many other actions we can take and an incredible wealth of information available to learn from. I’m following, learning from, and taking classes from BIPOC experts. I’m also donating, because organizations doing important equity work need financial backing to make change.

Here are just a few of the many anti-racism resources out there:




Follow on Instagram (to name just a few):

And a big list of other anti-racism resources from Rachel Ricketts is available here.

You’re welcome to reach out to me anytime. My email is michelle@michellegrasek.com. I’m here to listen, be educated, and show up better.

My best,
