5 Books to Help Acupuncturists Move Past Their Money Blocks. www.MichelleGrasek.com

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5 Books to Help Acupuncturists Move Past Their Money Blocks

Hi everyone! Welcome back. I have a short, straightforward post for you guys today. (Which we know is rare 😜 I have such a hard time with brevity!)

One struggle that I run across pretty regularly with my acupuncture marketing students is the difficult relationship that many acupuncturists have with money.

For most of us, we have a hard time:

  • Telling people how much our services are
  • Raising our rates even if they’ve been the same for 5+ years 😲
  • Asking patients for payment at the end of treatment
  • Resisting requests for reduced-cost treatments
  • Asking for the full price of a treatment after a discount/sale has ended
  • Handling money (physically) when patients are paying [Many acus rush through this, as if the money/credit card is dirty or shameful]

Many of us also have no idea:

  • How much gross and actual income we generate each year (because it feels scary to look at the specific numbers)
  • How much we actually owe in student loan debt. This means we’re either not paying it at all, or not paying it in a way that is efficient and makes our money work harder for us.

If this is you, IT’S OKAY, as long as you’re taking steps to fix it. Just want to put that out there to begin with. This is a judgement-free zone.

This kind of anti-money sentiment is A) super pervasive among our acupuncturist colleagues, so you’re not alone, and B) this is something you can heal over time.

So if you carry shame about the way you interact with, feel about, or deal with money, please know this is a safe space and there’s no judgement here.

Instead, our goal today is to face it head-on and learn to understand:

  1. Why we feel the way that we do about money
  2. Then, what we can do to change that feeling over time

I always say that marketing is a skill that can be learned just like anything else. Learning to heal your money issues is also a skill that can be learned, with patience and practice.

Why is this so important? Why can’t we just continue thinking about money the way we always have?

Or refusing to think about it at all, sweeping it under the rug?

Because money issues prevent us from achieving our potential, both personally and professionally.

The example of the acupuncturist who has never raised her/his rates out of guilt is a great example.

Inflation increases the cost of living 2-3% each year. This is no surprise. This means that the cost of operating your business also goes up each year. Many acupuncturists are reluctant to raise their rates (ever) because they feel guilt or shame about asking their patients for more money. And/or they’re afraid to lose patients when they raise their rates even $5 per treatment. But your patients’ income is also probably increasing 2-3% with inflation, and they’re well aware that rates are bound to change eventually. It’s a natural part of being a consumer.

Learning to understand the deep reasons you’re afraid to approach money in a healthy, balanced way will help you move your business forward.

Some of the outcomes (like being comfortable raising your rates) are obvious results of a healthier relationship with money. But there are deeper implications as well:

I’ve found that acupuncturists (and small business owners in general) who have a strained relationship with money are less likely to make bold moves with their businesses and less likely to feel confident that they can “make it” as entrepreneurs. What a shame – you deserve better than that.

For all these reasons, I suggest you approach your struggle with money head on. The following are five of my favorite money management books to help you find balance and achieve your financial goals. These books are built especially for people who find money and finances to be scary topics.

I’ll admit that the first book, Bari Tessler’s The Art of Money, is my personal favorite. Bari is a former dancer who became a financial advisor. She has a very holistic, patient, and almost spiritual approach to finding a healthy money mindset. She even opens her first chapter with the mention of an acupuncturist! Most of my acupuncture marketing students love her vibe and I think you will too.

Okay! Enough from me.

5 Money Mindset Books to Help You Find a Balanced Money Mindset:

  1. The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness by Bari Tessler

My favorite book to help acupuncturists find a balanced relationship with money. Bari Tessler's approach is holistic and spot on. Check it out >>

(Can you tell how much I love her book? Took this picture at my desk recently💃🏽)

2. The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money by Lynne Twist

Lynne Twist's Soul of Money is a profound read, perfect for acupuncturists and other wellness business owners to heal the way they think about finances. Number 2 on my list! www.michellegrasek.com

3. Overcoming Underearning: A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life by Barbara Stanny

Barbara Stanny's classic book, Over Coming Under Earning is another great option to help wellness professionals heal their relationship with money - www.michellegrasek.com

4. The Energy of Money: A Spiritual Guide to Financial and Personal Fulfillment by Maria Nemeth 

Maria Nemeth's The Energy of Money - an awesome books to help acupuncturists and other wellness entrepreneurs find a healthier relationship with money - www.MichelleGrasek.com

5. Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles by Barbara Stanny

An awesome book to help acupuncturists and other wellness entrepreneurs find a more balanced relationship with money! Check it out >>

I’d love to hear which is your favorite! And if you’re so inclined, feel free to share your journey with money – positive or negative, we’re here to support you. Leave your thoughts in the comments below.



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